
楼主 |
发表于 2012-3-15 16:43:07
•Analyzing startup and shutdown procedures
•Analyzing operational stability
•Analyzing pump/compressor operating schedules
•Studying economics of various designs and operational strategies
•Designing sequencing systems
•Designing surge relief systems
•Designing cascade control systems
•Studying survival time for gas delivery systems
•Analyzing system response to potential upset conditions and evaluating corrective strategies
• P redicting environmental impact of potential pipeline leakage
•Studying the effects of batching, side stream delivery or supply blending
•Studying temperature rise in re-circulation systems and cooling or heating of products due to a transient interchange of heat with the pipeline surroundings
•Studying thermal effects in gases, especially non ideal gases, such as Joule-Thompson cooling, decompression cooling, and inter-stage cooling required with polytropic compressors
•Designing minimum flow bypass controls to prevent surge conditions in polytropic compressors
•Studying the effects of pipe rupture, blow down cooling in gas pipelines to assess pipe steel brittleness, effect of pipe wrap and thermal environment in pipe burial on blow down rate