OLGA 2015.1.2.137737是当今世界领先的全动态多相流模拟器,是公认的行业标准。主要用于模拟流动参数随时间变化的规律或流动瞬态特性,以实现生产潜力最大化。瞬态模型是可行性研究、油田开发设计以及关停与启动操作程序等业务内容的基本组成部分。动态模拟不仅广泛应用于海上油气田开发,也应用于陆上油气田长输管线和密集管网的规划和运行操作。
Successful production system design and operations requires a detailed understanding of multiphase flow behavior. Flow modeling and simulation provides valuable insights into flow behavior, including the physics describing flow through the entire production systems, from reservoir pore to process facility.
The OLGA dynamic multiphase flow simulator models time-dependent behaviors, or transient flow, to maximize production potential. Transient modeling is an essential component for feasibility studies and field development design. Dynamic simulation is essential in deepwater and is used extensively in both offshore and onshore developments to investigate transient behavior in pipelines and wellbores.
Transient simulation with the OLGA simulator provides an added dimension to steady-state analyses by predicting system dynamics such as time-varying changes in flow rates, fluid compositions, temperature, solids deposition and operational changes.
From wellbore dynamics for any well completion to pipeline systems with all types of process equipment, the OLGA simulator provides an accurate prediction of key operational conditions involving transient flow.
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