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[专业知识] 管式加热炉设计 论文

发表于 2013-5-10 20:13:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 青山 于 2013-5-10 20:15 编辑

摘  要


Tubular-furnaceheating equipment is a kind of firepower, which the use of fuel combustion inthe furnace when the flame and flue gas temperature as a heat source, heatingin the furnace tube in the high-speed flow of medium to reach the processtemperature requirements, in order to supply medium during fractionation,decomposition or reaction process, such as the heat required to ensure normalproduction.
Thedesign for the annual production capacity of two million tons of crude oilcylinder tube furnace, in the completion of the design of the main paragraph ofradiation, convection, as well as the size of the stack process, the heatbalance, steel structure and the calculation and checking Selection of thevarious furnace components. Room size radiation technology, including radiationchamber furnace tube diameter, tube wall thickness, tube length, the root ofthe number of tube radiation, such as room dimensions; convection process roomsize, including the form of convection furnace tubes, furnace tube diameter,wall thickness of the tube, the tube row number and the root of the number ofeach row, the heat balance calculation of the part, including fuel, thespecifications of the burner and root number.
The gistof the present furnace design with high thermal efficiency and fuelutilization. Measures often used to reduce the furnace flue gas temperature,reducing the over-heated air coefficient, the Department of incompletecombustion to reduce the loss of chemicals to reduce the mechanical loss ofincomplete combustion, reduce heat, such as furnace wall. Flue gas can also beset up waste heat recovery system to increase the thermal efficiency offurnace.
Keywords: Furnace;Steel;Furnace tube;Radiation;Convection

目  录
摘  要... I
Abstract II
第1章  绪论
1.1  课题背景... 1
1.2  本课题发展方向... 1
第2章  设计要求和设计参数... 3
2.1  设计要求... 3
2.2  设计参数... 3
2.2.1  燃料油... 3
2.2.2  原油工艺条件... 3
2.2.3  过热蒸汽条件... 3
2.2.4  原油产品分率... 3
第3章  工艺计算... 4
3.1  加热炉热负荷计算... 4
3.1.1  管式加热炉工艺计算所需的基础数据... 4
3.1.2  被加热介质的比焓... 4
3.1.3  被加热介质的热负荷... 5
3.2  燃烧过程计算... 6
3.2.1  燃料油燃烧物性... 6
3.2.2  加热炉设计的热效率计算... 6
3.3  辐射段计算... 9
3.3.1  辐射段基础数据... 9
3.3.2  辐射段炉体尺寸确定... 10
3.3.3  辐射段热平衡计算... 12
3.4  对流段计算... 14
3.4.1  核算对流段热负荷... 14
3.4.2  对流段工艺尺寸计算... 21
3.5  加热炉压力降... 25
3.5.1  炉管压力降... 25
3.5.2  加热介质进口压力降... 26
3.6  辐射炉管壁厚... 27
3.6.1  设计压力... 27
3.6.2  设计温度... 28
3.6.3  钢管材料... 28
3.6.4  钢管的计算壁厚... 29
3.7  烟囱设计... 29
3.7.1  烟囱直径... 29
3.7.2  烟囱高度计算... 29
第4章  加热炉的检测、检验和试验... 35
4.1  炉管水压试验... 35
4.2 炉管焊接接头的检测和检验... 35
第5章  加热炉钢结构... 36
5.1  辐射室钢结构... 36
5.2  对流室钢结构... 36
5.3  平台梯子... 36
第6章  余热回收系统... 38
第7章  加热炉配件的设计选用... 39
7.1  辐射管的支撑... 39
7.2  看火门... 40
7.3  人孔门... 40
7.4  防爆门... 41
7.5  燃烧器的选择... 42
7.6  清扫门和吹灰器... 43

结论... 44
参考文献... 45
致谢... 46

管式加热炉设计 论文.doc

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