标题: aspen EDR V8新功能介绍 [打印本页]
作者: 女女 时间: 2013-1-27 15:08
标题: aspen EDR V8新功能介绍
Aspen EDR: What's New in V8.0 Aspen EDR
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
New EDR Start Page 全新的开始页面
Direct Access to EDR Online Help 直接连接到EDR的在线帮助
Improved selection of printed reports from EDR 打印报告的选择增强
Improved report identification with the print header 改进的报表与打印头的识别
Improved ‘Import From Aspen Plus’ dialogues 改进从Aspen Plus导入功能
EDR “New” dialogue has been reorganized 重组EDR“新建”的对话已经进行
Aspen EDR Integration with Aspen Plus
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
Improved dialogues for “Send to EDR” from Home Ribbon button
New “Rigorous Shell & Tube Sizing” work flow from HeatX setup form
New “Rigorous Air-cooled Exchanger Sizing” from HeatX setup form
Explicit support for EDR design template files from HeatX EDR Options form
Aspen EDR Integration with Aspen HYSYS
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
Button on HYSYS Exchanger to switch streams between shell side and tube side
Improved HYSYS Exchanger forms – to clarify model selection
New “Rigorous Shell & Tube Auto-sizing” work flow
New “Rigorous Shell & Tube Interactive-sizing” work flow
New “Rigorous Air Cooler Auto-sizing” work flow
New “Rigorous Air Cooler Exchanger Interactive-sizing” work flow
Access to full Aspen Shell & Tube user Interface within HYSYS
Access to full Aspen Air Cooled user interface within HYSYS
Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
Console, giving an immediate overview of key inputs and results, both tabulated and graphical.
New input to help prescribe certain parameters in Design mode.
New output of percent excess area, and ratio of actual to allowable pressure drop
Option of various types of finned tubes in X-shell Exchangers
Corrected maximum ρ v2 (rho-V-squared) limit used for sizing tube side nozzles
Options for handling accelerational pressure changes (particular relevance to low pressure exchanger modeling)
The handling multiple shells with U-bends has been improved to correctly calculate the shell-side coefficient in all shells
There is improved graphical output for X-shell exchangers in calculation details
Feedwater Heater Simulation and Rating: For all customers with an Aspen Shell & Tube Exchanger license, the full capability of the Aspen FRAN program is now available
Aspen Shell & Tube Mechanical
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
ASME code update for calendar year 2012
Changes based on code cases as applicable
Includes BPVC VIII Div 1 and 2 (part 4) – 2011a (2012)
The main release will continue to be 2011a in calendar 2012
Material properties updates as applicable
Material prices were updated with a resulting average price increase of 2-1/2%
Added new tubesheet deflection calculation per mandatory requirement in UHX-13.4(d). Used new derivations per UHX philosophy
Added additional flange types
Added additional tube-to-tubesheet joint
Added option to suppress nozzle reinforcement calculations when exempted by code rules.
Added minimum baffle thickness as a function of shell side corrosion allowance
Added type ‘g’ nozzles with self reinforcement in accordance to fig. UW-16.1 of ASME VIII Div 1
Added nozzle and reinforcing ring weld size information to the summary output.
Added logic to select a larger anchor bolt diameter when the uplift force due to wind and/or seismic loads exceeds the bolt allowable load.
Aspen Air Cooled Exchanger
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
Console, giving an immediate overview of key inputs and results, both tabulated and graphical.
New input to help prescribe certain parameters in Design mode.
New output of percent excess area, and ratio of actual to allowable pressure drop
Option to specify the number of passes in design mode
New warning on fans with low coverage of the bundle
New warning for Designs using program default for allowable pressure drop.
Aspen Fired Heater
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
Specification of main process stream duty as an alternative to specifying either inlet or outlet temperature.
Specification of inlet enthalpy as an alternative to inlet temperature (for use when FiredHeater models are embedded in Aspen HYSYS or where process and property data are imported from Aspen HYSYS or Aspen Plus
Aspen Plate Exchanger
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
Aspen Plate Fin Exchanger
The following new features and enhancements were added in release V8.0:
New stream details output for crossflow exchangers, showing how a range of parameters vary across the stream outlet. Values are also shown across each pass outlet, for multi-pass crossflow streams. The parameters include stream pressure changes, and an estimated flow rate variation, based on these changes.
Fin databank file now recorded in program output
Option to perform flow –balance calculation for crossflow exchanges, to determine the flow variation across the outlet width.
Option to apply a multiplier to each process stream flowrate in a Simulation
New thermosiphon option, to find the pressure head needed to drive a flow, in addition to option to find the flow rate, or to find the inlet resistance to balance a specified flowrate.
作者: 辰逸。o_O 时间: 2013-1-28 00:20
作者: 0.002 时间: 2013-3-28 08:59
作者: guduyou 时间: 2013-4-30 12:00
有没有单独的aspen edr 的安装包?
作者: hnpy2007 时间: 2013-6-8 08:51
作者: fqin 时间: 2013-6-22 22:51
fired heater 有新内容?
作者: 冬风 时间: 2014-3-5 21:55
作者: 冬风 时间: 2014-3-5 21:58
作者: 23jieke 时间: 2015-7-3 09:45
作者: henidegushi 时间: 2016-7-25 21:02
作者: may353 时间: 2021-4-6 11:01
很厉害啊 很好 很好
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